Sunday, January 12, 2014

Quebec proposed Charter of Values attacks freedom of religion as they want to ban all religious symbols

This is the first in a series of poems looking at what people remember and forget.  

JE ME SOUVIENS  (I REMEMBER) by Céline Leduc 12/2013

I REMEMBER is the motto of Quebec
I remember the English colonized me.
I forget I colonized First Nations.
I remember multiculturalism is bad.
I forget it allowed me to keep my culture.
I remember the Church is my downfall
I forget it was Louis XIV and Napoleon politics
I remember my language matters
I forget I imposed language on First Nations.
I remember my culture
I want others to forget their culture
Quebec’s  new motto should be

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Celine,

This is a powerful statement about what we remember and what we conveniently choose to forget.

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