Friday, August 28, 2015

Say NO to verbal rape

Say NO to verbal rape by Celine Leduc edited by Norman Simon   August 28, 2015

CJAD in Montreal, reported a very disturbing incident that involved Valerie Assouline the Conservative candidate in federal riding of Pierrefonds/Dollard des Ormeaux that was not only sexist but sexual harassment and sexually explicit. I could say that it was a verbal pornography that encourages sexual abuse and condones rape of women, all women.  She took action and called the media and CJAD responded with an article.  Highlighting these problems matters as she condemns all attacks be they verbal, graphic - such as graffiti, or defacing posters of the candidate. This time the vandals and hooligans went one step further: they used sexist and sexual explicit messages.
This is very disturbing and needs to be talked about. Women from all parties should get together and talk about this important topic.

Vandalism: Political campaigns and posters are targeted by graffiti artists. You see mustaches on candidates, glasses are added, the vandals use a marker, a paint brush or a spray-paint can.  At times you can see a swastika. Or political comment on the leader regardless of his/her party.  I have seen words like communist or leftist spray painted on posters of the NDP or the Green Party.

Racism: Nazi or the swastika spray-painted on posters of Jewish candidates. Even some said “Jews go home”  First Nation candidates had words like “savage”.  Muslim women had words like “terrorist” or Muslim preceded by a religious slur spray painted.

Sexism: First Nation women candidates saw words like “savage” or “Fat Cow” spray painted.   Black women could read: “Whore” on their posters. Derogatory words I saw targeting women of all parties included: Whore, Lesbian, and the "F" word used a prefix…

This graffiti destroys private property, on one hand, and is sexist and racist on the other.  Women have been sexually discriminated against for years.  It is time for it to STOP.  ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!  STOP raping women physically and with words.

These racist and sexist vandals, hooligans MUST be exposed as such.  In an ideal world, they would be held responsible for their choice of words and would be prosecuted and labelled as racist, sexist,  misogynist jerks.  Too many men have swept it under the proverbial carpet. Time to lift the carpet because it is hiding a hill that can become a mountain. 

Some may think that the vandals are teenagers while it has often been proved that some older men in the 50s and 60s were the criminals. These men need training; first in gender equality, second in respect of women, all women, regardless of their political affiliation, nationality, ethnicity, religion, or sexuality. We share one thing in common that makes us daughters, sisters, mothers: We are WOMEN. 

Women, both individually and collectively, are waking up. They are taking charge of their lives and are entering  politics.  Each woman who is a candidate has a cause that matters to her.  Let us listen to their message, discuss the issue, think and respect. Let us use words to offer a rebuttal or to offer an alternative solution. Let us use our pens and the power of words to expose those misogynist hooligans who rape women verbally, who spray paint sexually explicit words, be they on the sign of any woman candidate of any party. It is easy to dismiss it and say, “Oh well, she is (add the party)”. The reality is that it affects all women.

The “old boys” Clubs had signs saying, "No girls allowed."  Yet, there is a New Boys’ club where men include WOMEN. I think: WOMEN as a group, must be stick together and develop a gender inclusive girls/women's club or sisterhood.   

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Application of Bill 89 in Quebec is chaos: Negligence guilty! by Free Pen

Application of Bill 89 in Quebec is chaos: Negligence guilty!

I think that you have received my reflection which  I sent this morning, reflecting the vision influenced by decisions that prohibit all religious and other  critical opinion which  opposing them  .I  think  that c constructive critically  is essential for the formation of a multicultural society that respects each other.
 Otherwise,  Bill 59 would be capitalized by the name of religion to get its ideology that privatizes any other person of it’s freedom of expression…
Therefore, Quebec would be an Islamic state that allows to captivate no Muslim  girls and women  to  sell  them and  exploit them sexually , and  we seek another businessman to buy them  for be free.
To avoid falling into this ideological trap, I wish the  free  citizen of Quebec act against this law that reflects the hidden intentions of not understanding of this religion ...
I would be proud to organize awareness lectures, explaining the dangerous consequences which   law will result…
Humanists trying to find a solution by creating organizations to support these victims to buy them for to be  free.
 The hope was then focused on the new initiative of the Canadian businessman "Steve Maman , hoping  at least to participate to make these girls and women abducted by ISIS under the eyes of some and silence of others.
When such an act is the effect of a cataclysm, it inevitably calls questioning. Sexual slavery fatally strikes these two communities for a year, threw grief and amazement among the population.
Twelve months of rainfall have produced irreparable deaths, suicides, affected families and a nightmarish balance, estimated disproportionate facing an offensive that was certainly dangerous and violent, but also had exceptional.

 How is this possible?
Flooding affected mainly Christians and Yazidi and, to a lesser extent, other communities which it depend on this region. The many images, videos barbarities taken and relayed on TV channels and social networks show a devastated region.

Yet these communities live in this land for centuries in coexistence and that are part of the social weave that cannot be separated since history and geography have shaped in such a way. Unless this coexistence suffers from "birth defect" or unhappy conventional defects.

In this attack, this minority deplored the kidnapping of their women and girls sold publicly by the Heads of ISIS by enacting a decree that organizes this inhumane procedure. Some women engulfed by the barbarities of these monsters, scared and desperate suicide.

 Why ISIS thus behaves with conviction?

Just because there is a fatwa authorizing these facts prevented the high council of Muslim scholars of Saudi Arabia, architect of Islamic theories. All what is way of life, human relations, economic, religious, cultural .... .
This organization does not meet any human standard, it does not even have an organizational level but which influence the decisions of the United State, which confirms a truth become a credibility since its creation in 1971 the world has seen the error of its design and expansion of its powers.
Except for serious, it is not enough to recognize the error, but especially to identify faults, assign responsibility to exclude and finally establishing a religious and educational reform at the highest level.
In this regard, what happens when it comes to performing the fatwas of this archaic institution: the United conceived laws, either general or religious order that refer to a conventional history and mutual interests between the family Royal of that time and the creator of the organization wahabiste "Ben Mohamed Abdelwahab, which uses the traditions and customs of this region, currently run these laws are responsible for any defects.
Indeed, it is not necessary to be curious to see the lack of modernity and progress scary this type of monarchy. Otherwise, to show to the world, combat extremism!
And why did not we proceeded to repair and reform in these institutions who sow death and barbarism around the world?

Should the dead are recorded about it?
The fact is that the religious status and mutual interests linking both Royal and religious lacking obstacle.
Indeed, the Christian and Yazidi minority  has lost more than 3,000 of their girls and women in the name of religion, designed by theorists, under the gaze of the world yet it has surpassed both in terms of that size community Geographic.

This sexual exploitation therefore becomes an impossible burden to bear for humanity that is far from having the means to ensure simple tasks related to the protection of victims of this slavery of the 21st century.  Mister Stephen Harper, Prime Minister Of Canada, is the only leader in the world who took the initiative to visit the region by helping with funding to these refugees for better management.
The hope was then focused on the pressure on these theorists pain of others and those who support them financially and ideologically, hoping at least that these barbarians are rejected in their lives and their religion.
 (Free Pen) I-Peacemaker-Poet-Author/Algeria

Monday, August 24, 2015


SHOT GUN WEDDING  by Celine Leduc August 2015 edited by Norman Simon 

A man forced to take responsibility,
A woman impregnated by the man;

He lusted for her,
She lusted for him;

He knows her in the biblical way,
She knows him carnally;

He blames her for his fall,
She reminds him, "You wanted me;"

He says I wanted you but not the child,
Is he not responsible for the child?

They lusted after each other,
Yet never really knew each other;

Friends they were not,
Friends they never will be;

A shot gun unites them,
Sadly not their LOVE child.

JUMPING THE BROOM  by Celine Leduc August 2015 edited by Norman Simon 

Parents speak to each other
A couple wants to be one;

Characters matters,
Similarity is needed;

Complement each other,
Her strength, his weakness;

His strength a student, he is,
He learns from her and she from him;

They are different, yes,
But so similar as each knows the other;

Friends, they become, best, they are,
First criteria they do not jump the gun;

Lust comes, lust goes

Friendship lasts forever.

Sunday, August 23, 2015


MORNING COMES  by Celine Leduc edited by Norman Simon 

Morning rises, the first ray of sun.
The golden rays break at dusk;

Mourning rises with death
When my heart is but darkness;

Morning, the first light so bright,
A pageantry of colors dance;

Mourning, all colors left at dusk,
My heart is but night, without light;

Memories, of one shot – it is dark,
My heart no longer shines – mourning;

Your body in my arms --- lifeless
Cold invades my soul --- mourning;

Memories of your smile – so bright,
My heart rejoices --- morning.

Your body in my arms --- LIFE
Warmth is in my soul --- morning;

In the cold of night I mourn
Alone in darkness, I am blind;

My eyes can see a shining star,
Reminds me of your smile;

Oh! My shining star, guide me to you,
Show me my way home into your arms;

Your golden smile in the morning,

In your arms it is forever day!

Friday, August 21, 2015


EMPATHY by Celine Leduc August 2015

My friend told me
“Feel my pain.”

I ask:

She answers:  
“It is about EMPATHY”

I retort:
“Too much bother.”

She quips:
“Why? Do I not matter?”

I state:
“It is not pleasant!”

She retorts:              
“It is ok to distort?”

I jibe:
“Truth I want to hide.”

She asks:
“Why? Why hide.”

I joke:
““Cause I’m white.”

She banters:
“You whitewash truth.”

I shrug
“Yep, makes me pure “WHITE””

She smiles and gives me a HUG
I smile back and hug her back.

I feel her pain: EMPATHY
She feels my pain: EMPATHY

Thank you Norman Simon for editing